I really need to get in the habit of writing on here a little more often. I find myself saying," I need to write this stuff down" all the time. Well, duh isn't that what you started a blog for? I am a little slow sometimes.
Alex is absolutely the funniest kid I have ever met. The shit he comes up with is at times is hilarious. In no particular order, some of the things he has recently mused about:
As my mother and I were talking in the kitchen, Alex was in the powder room. I have no idea what we were talking about, but apparently it was very distracting to Alex and his task. He yells out, " can you be quiet, I am trying to poop."
In reference to another toilet function, he begins to laugh and shouts out, " hey! Look, my lemonade made my pee!" Yellow in the cup. Yellow in the toilet. Yep, hysterical stuff for a 3 year old boy.
Alex asked me, " Did God make me?" Yes. " With a machine?" No, with love. " Where?" In my tummy. " That's disgusting!" He was very, very serious with this conversation and didn't skip a beat either.
He still has the very cute habit of making his object words cutesy little boy words. When something isn't in his direct line of vision he begins to call for it, like it is a dog and will come running to him. "Trainey? Traaainey? Trainey!?"
Cuppie is also a frequently lost pet.
Comfany, is a word that I absolutely loved. It was an awesome word. He requests every night after getting into his bed and settling down, for me to make him comfany. Which simply means, comfy. I'd place his blanket of choice on his and his grin was total self satisfaction. Now, today, he told the cat he was going to make her comftable. Still cute, but not comfany. My little man is getting big.
There is so much more, but since I have not been writing it down, I am already forgetting.
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