Seven gorgeous days in the Outer Banks. 150 magic feet from the beach. My kids were in heaven. I was at ease, peaceful almost, calmer definitely. I think I should relocate to a beach front property on an always warm coastline. Pipe dream over.
We went to the beach every day. The first "day" was really night time and the high tide was so high we couldn't walk off the deck that allowed us to cross the dunes. It was awesome seeing those waves that first night. It was a preview to the next few days though. Sunday and Monday had really strong undertow and rip currents from TS Brett being out there somewhere, I swear the ocean wanted to eat my children as snacks. Very strong waves and currents. The rest of the week was calmer and the ocean took on a freezer like temperature that did not deter my budding little surfers'.
There was also kite flying, ice cream and the North Carolina Aquarium.
We shared our vacation home in the Outer Banks, " Hour Binks" if you ask Alex, with my sister in law and her husband. Actually they shared with us. I am so glad we did, and so glad they are Aunt and Uncle to my children. They have more patience and energy than I do and my kids basked in it. It is so nice to know that others, really do love the kids as much as I do.
I could add picture after picture. But I won't.
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