Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some Arkeology

"The Ark" was a term that my brood sort of seemed to aquire somewhere along the way, waaaayyy before I added a husband and kids to my world.  You see, I have always been "an animal person."  Since I was a little kid, I would do anything to have pets and save as many critters as I could.  Many pigeons did not survive, much as I tried to save the little things.  Squirrels were on the list too.  A few survived and a few didn't.  My father for some reason was not a big fan of my penchant for dragging the critters home to be saved.  Maybe they kicked and screamed saying "I'm ok.."  At any rate, my first rescued kitty was named Peanut Butter, I was 16 and working at our local rectory and she was there, a little tortie girl all of about 8 weeks old, and they were going to call animal control, "oh no you don't" I said.  I told my poor father it was a gift from the pastor, thrilled he was.  Ah, but Peanut was the best first rescue.  She was a constant companion and quite an oddball.  She had a very strange and distinctive meowow that was reserved for me calling her name.  Eventually she learned the sound of my totally awesome honda civic,( the go cart :o)) and would meet me at the door when I came in. Awesomeness to have a cat-dog!  It went on from there!  Downhill if you were my parents and uphill if you were me.  I love the critters and the ark was open for business! 

Fastforward about 5 years and I met the man I knew was going to be my husband.  There was a problem see, he didn't have any pets.  I introduced the ark mates and told him this was his opportunity to leave. He stayed -- the fool. No, seriously. He did.  I had Peanut the cat, and Jake the million dollar dog as he was dubbed by those who had labeled me the ark dweller.  Jake was my first puppy. He was my best friend. If you're an animal person you get that, if you aren't you don't and just won't.  Jake got sick as a puppy and the treatment cost over $100 a month as long as he was going to live.  He was worth it!  I'll properly introduce the Jakeman another time.

Now-time.  The ark is full up.  I am the Momma of the ark.  There is a begrudged Dad of the ark, but I still call bullshit because I gave him his out a long time ago, and I wouldn't have tried to convince him to stay if he walked.  Then there are the ark kids, 5 year old son who loves the puppies and suddenly thinks yard poop duty is a great game -  have at it yard boy!  Ark daughter, 3 years old.  Loves her fish.  Loves the kitties.  Everything else is smelly and she doesn't want to deal.  She is going to have a really tough sail on the ark, because keeping afloat is an all hands required operation.  Finally, our youngest Ark Boy, 2 years old.  He is the main reason that Ark Dad grumbles on a daily basis about the furry inhabitants of the ark.  2 year old little boys eat everything off the floor, and have in the past danced in puddles of puppy pee, poked at cat vomit, gross yes, but an inherent risk of Ark life.  He's my crazy man though and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

The Ark critters--  Lexi, a german shepherd I adopted from a humane society as soon as I bought my house, er Ark.  First time Ark Dad was faced with the facts that he readily agreed to beforehand, I don't want to hear it- you were warned.  She was 6 months old, gorgeous and completely mentally deficient of the intelligence that the breed is supposed to possess. Oops.  We didn't really need the couch she chewed through, and the shoes she ate were taking up space anyway.  Prozac, Valium and long walks finally made life easier, for Lexi, not Ark Dad.  Tabby, a tabby colored kitty that grandmom found and decided would be welcomed on the ark. Sure thing. Not a chance I am saying no Ark Dad, go back to your computer. Boo Boo is about 5 years old.  She was adopted from Sixth Angel Shepherd Rescue, inc.  She is a beautiful, loyal, sweet, loving girl who had a horrendous life before she was saved.  Domino, black cat, found as a kitten in the Pocono's. No, I could not just leave her there.  Ark Dad protested because Ark daughter was only 2 months old.  It's a kitten, food and litter and it's all good.  The latest additions are Oreo and Lulu. Lulu is Ark Dad's precious little british short hair kitten -  oh no, no mangy mutt like kitten for Ark Dad - he ark's in style!  Oreo was adopted from a rescue group to asuage some of Ark Mom's guilt about buying a cat. Period.  Lulu is a bad bad bad kitty.  Oreo is not. So there! 

The past residents of the ark are the main reason this ark, will always hold ark status.  They will get their own special place of honor on the Ark blog, but seriously I can't figure this damn blogger business out so I am sure it will take awhile. 

So, a LOOONG introduction and I am sure I will hate it as soon as I decide to post it.  But in a nutshell, there are the nuts.

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